Thursday, 20 September 2012

Blog tour begins today!

Hello everyone,

Over the next ten days the Super Spuds are going to be cropping up over various blogs.  The tour starts with Marcie and her blog 2readornot2read, featuring an excerpt:

There will be reviews, interviews and more excerpts coming up.  Also, editing will start today for Book 4  - Over Land and Sea.  I'm looking forward to the process and working with my editor again.  I'll be revealing the cover in the next month or so!

There will be a drawing competition coming very soon, so I thought I'd have a go at drawing a Super Spud so people get the general idea.  Below is a steak and spinach flavour with his strong arms and legs, holding a pencil for defence against those pesky seagulls!  Only the steak and spinach flavours have strong arms and legs though, all the other flavours would have thinner arms and legs.  Colour is up to you, but the flavour type must be written on the package.  If you think you can do better than my feeble attempt, stay tuned to enter once the competition is up for a chance to win a $30 Amazon Kindle gift card. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting! I wish I had found your blog sooner. I love hosting blog tours and blog hops. Best of luck with the tour and I'll try to follow along and comment with the various host!

    Nice meeting you through the blog hop:) New follower here:)
