Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Super Spuds: Book 4

Happy summer holidays everybody!

I’ve been busy the last six weeks writing another set of Super Spud adventures and now they are finished (it still needs editing, though).  This new adventure revolves primarily around four Super Spuds: King Martin, G-Boa, Kate and General Nectarine.  

                The evil Super Spuds have all disappeared and life is great for the rest of the Super Spud world.  Their technology is advancing rapidly and their cities are safer than ever, but everything changes after a mysterious fog enshrouds the city of Mt Pleasant and its inhabitants disappear.  A new threat faces the Super Spuds and the only way to stop it is for King Martin to enlist the help of the sea salt flavours and boldly go where he has never been before:  the sea.  

I had a lot of fun writing book four.  I’ve learned a lot from the feedback from The Super Spud Trilogy, and although this new book is still packed full of wacky humour, there are less characters than in the first three books.  I hope readers will enjoy it just as much – and hopefully more – as the three previous ones.  The book starts out with King Martin journeying to China to rescue G-Boa.  After that it sees them going to Mt Hollyspud in America, meeting the U.S. President and even flying aboard Air Spud One.  New flavours in this book include the salmon flavours (very smart), mixed grill and spinach flavours, and cheeseburger flavours.  I’ll be working on the book cover design and hopefully getting it animated; I’d love for someone to draw me some Super Spuds because I cannot draw to save my life…  

I’ve got another international giveaway up on Goodreads so please feel free to enter for a chance to win a copy.  

Thanks everyone and have a nice day!

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